rise to power

美 [raɪz tu ˈpaʊər]英 [raɪz tu ˈpaʊə(r)]
  • 当权
rise to powerrise to power


the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne)
Elizabeth's accession in 1558
Synonym: accession


  1. His eleventh hour rise to power surprised many people .


  2. The group celebrated the regime 's rise to power in 1979 .


  3. His rapid rise to power has given him a near-mythic status in the industry .


  4. China 's rise to power is probably the single most important trend of our lifetime .


  5. His rise to power is briefly sketched in the first two chapters .


  6. His rise to power was very sudden .


  7. His rise to power herald the end of the liberal era


  8. We are lucky to have returned to the motherland under " One Country , Two Systems " at the time of her rise to power .


  9. His profession is torturer and the books chronicle his rise to power as ruler of the world .


  10. Throughout all the school drama , however , the obvious darkness of Voldemort 's impending rise to power is always apparent .


  11. To nurture talent , build a good environment for the development of the digital visual arts , is the rise to power our digital visual arts go .


  12. They are perhaps more guilty than some of the others , for they had attained maturity long before Hitler 's rise to power .


  13. Adolf Hitler had the whip hand over the German people and the government after his spectacular rise to power in the1930s .


  14. Probably the most important American case involving the act of state doctrine was the case resulting from Castro 's rise to power in Cuba in1960 .


  15. Four years later , Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany . This organisation began with the rise to power of Hitler in 1993 .


  16. Her book on the subject , " The Shift : Art and the Rise to Power of Contemporary Collectors , " was published on Aug. 4 .


  17. He was often made fun of in school for his studiousness and thick Corsican accent , but nobody could have predicted Napoleon 's rise to power .


  18. The year during with Voldemort began his rise to power is given as circa 1970 . Since when does anyone trust Voldemort to make an honest offer ?


  19. In his spiritual home , havana , Allende received an ecstatic welcome befitting the first head of a Latin American country to visit Cuba since castro 's rise to power .


  20. Why do the Malfoys look so unhappy with their lot ? Is my return , my rise to power , not the very thing they professed to desire for so many years ?


  21. This organisation began with the rise to power of Hitler in 1993 . She was rushed offstage while the organizer of a post-pageant news conference called for aid .


  22. The creation of people like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein has got more to do with politics as followers of current affairs will know , especially when their rise to power is examined .


  23. Turner thought that they might reveal something about the power struggle immediately before Hitler 's rise to power , so he asked a colleague doing research in Moscow to photocopy some of the letters .


  24. Players were banned from wearing sleeveless shirts , chains or baggy jeans while conducting official league business , all of which were staples of Iverson 's wardrobe throughout his rise to power during the late 1990s and early 2000s .


  25. The overall implementation of Chinese villagers ' self-governing has led to the disintegration of the power structure in the rural areas , which subsequently gives rise to the power struggle .


  26. Early human society as the low level of productive forces , need to unite together to form a human society , in social life , political life has created some , giving rise to political power .


  27. The film tells anew the story of his rise to fame and power .


  28. The America ' rise to a great power in more than 200 years has fully shown that in additional to " hard powers " such as economy , politics and military , the communication of education and culture is of great value to enhance the global influence of America .


  29. Strong demand of community greatly gives rise to the thriving of power semiconductor technology and microelectronics technology .


  30. The political isolation of the Chinese merchant-industrial class is best characterized by the events of the1920 's during the rise of Chiang Kai-shek to power .
